Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pictures from today

We've been chilling out a lot today as we're trying to figure out exactly what/how we're going to be teaching. Today also happens to be a holiday here, so a lot of people were not in.
Here's some pictures I took today at lunch.

One of the "Studio dogs":Nick out on the patio at lunchtime:
This crow likes to knock on the window of the room I was in at lunchtime everyday. He knocks with his wing letting everyone know he's hungry and wants their scraps:
This soda is awesome. Sort of like sprite and squirt merged together. Its made by Coke, apparently:
The cafeteria food here puts any american work cafeteria to shame. Had yummy chicken masala and rice for lunch with some of the Limca soda.

Hey gang!
So I got in safe yesterday. Nick came and got me at the airport. We went to the hotel, ordered room service, and crashed around 4am. I woke up when Nick got home from work that night, then went to sleep again like two hours later.
So, needless to say, I'm caught up on my sleep.
We got up this morning and got breakfast at the hotel. I had some yummy (spicy!) paprika potato wedges and toast with marmalade. We've been living off of bottled water (which sucks since our fridge doesn't seem to work.)
We got a ride down to the studio this morning, where we are now, waiting to get stuff going.
I'm attaching some pictures of the hotel lobby, as well as some photos that Nick has taken over the last few days.
There are a LOT of stray dogs here. Everywhere you look they're chilling out along the sides of the street, under cars, in doorways, etc. Luckily they all pretty much keep to themselves. They have plenty of garbage to root through so they aren't aggressive.
Have to got o work now, I'll post again later.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey everyone!
So I made it to Dubai safe and sound! This airport is GORGEOUS. Seriously.
The seats on the plane were very cramped, but I managed to get a bit of sleep out of sheer exhaustion. They had a bunch of movies for free, so I watched Avatar again :p. I sat next to a very nice woman (originally from India, but moved to the states a while back) and we talked for most of the flight, which made the 15 hours go by a little faster. But still, 15 hours is a LONG time to sit in one spot.
Thankfully I'm in the home stretch now- In about 7 hours I will be at my hotel and able to get some sleep. Nick's going to try to meet me at the airport. I hope he manages, because the prospect of just meeting a driver makes me a little nervous.
I've got about two hours to kill here, then a four hour flight to Mumbai.
I'll try to update again when I arrive.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So now that everything is official, I figured that I might as well start a blog for my trip to Mumbai. Its for work, of course, but seeing as I'll be spending several months there, I'm sure I'll find some time to go exploring.
The rest of the group arrived yesterday, but due to some trouble getting my visa, I'm leaving a few days later than everyone else.
I'm flying out of LAX tomorrow afternoon, stopping for a layover in Dubai, then its onwards to Mumbai. I'll be arriving in Mumbai at like 3am, which is a little scary. At least there will be a driver waiting for me. Here's hoping no one gives me any trouble.
I've been running around like crazy the last few weeks getting everything ready. Got all of my vaccinations (four in one day, ouch!), my ipod is loaded up with movies (and Buffy episodes), and my suitcases are just about packed. Just running my last few loads of laundry and cleaning out the fridge, then I'm good to go.
I'm going to end this post here as I really don't have much more to say. Expect more updates in the next couple of days, hopefully with lots of photos!

Just for fun, here's the last picture of Nick and I here in the states. His dad took it Wednesday night.